Family Mediation Services
Diane McInnis focuses on consensual dispute resolution. She sees herself as a peacemaker, believing that hostile positioning is not in the best interests of any of the family members involved. Diane's goal is to help people transition from married to separated in a civilized, cost effective and emotionally safe way.
Family Mediation
Diane McInnis is an accredited Family Mediator, OAFM (Ontario Association of Family Mediation). She facilitates discussion of family law issues in a cooperative and family centered manner. While she will help couples generate options to resolve disputes, as a mediator, she is a facilitator and does not provide legal advice to either client. Mediation can occur with or without the presence of legal counsel. A draft separation agreement may be the final goal of mediation, which the parties may take to their own lawyer for independent legal advice before finalizing. Mediation is a cost effective way for parties who are willing to have serious, sometimes difficult discussions about their legal issues in a respectful way to obtain a result that is satisfactory to both parties.
Division of Property
Understanding the value of property acquired during the marriage and how it will be divided is an important component of any separation agreement. Diane will discuss with you the importance of financial disclosure and assist you in determining the best way to divide property between you that meets the needs of your family.
Estate Mediation
The death of a parent or loved one can be heart wrenching and how each person responds and grieves is as unique as the individual. When family conflict arises, it is often helpful to seek the assistance of a mediator to help facilitate difficult conversations and to help resolve disputes in a way that will not deplete the estate, and may salvage relationships. Sometimes it is helpful for the testator to meet with the family with the assistance of a neutral mediator to discuss their estate intentions. When there is confusion or uncertainty after the death of the testator, meeting with a mediator can be very helpful. Contact Diane for more information about this service.
Family Disputes
Sometimes there is conflict between parents and grandparents regarding their contact or involvement in their grandchildren's lives. Meeting with the mediator can sometimes help in opening lines of communication and coming up with a plan that will be in the best interests of the children. If both the parents and grandparents are willing to engage in mediation, Diane can assist in facilitating an agreement.
Gray Divorce
Parenting Plans
After parents separate, both want what is best for their children. Developing the parenting plan for the child(ren) can become a very difficult and emotional ground of dissension. Diane will help the parents focus on the best interests of the children when they are developing their parenting plan and discuss parenting decisions for their children. Diane strives to assist clients in cooperative transitions in parenting their child(ren) and meeting the needs of their children.
Child Support
Each parent is obliged to provide for the needs of their dependent child(ren) according to their means. This obligation has been simplified by the use of Child Support Guidelines, which sets the amount payable per child based on the respective incomes of the parents and the parenting arrangements. Diane McInnis will facilitate discussions with the parents to help them determine the appropriate contribution for the care of the children.
Domestic Contracts
Domestic contracts include agreements entered into by couples, before, during or after a marriage, and cohabitation agreements (for unmarried couples). These agreements deal with the respective rights and obligations of the parties during the marriage or cohabitation and upon separation, divorce, annulment or death of a partner. The most common domestic contract is a separation agreement after the couple is no longer in the marital or cohabitation relationship. Diane McInnis will help you determine what your needs are and will work diligently to facilitate fair and appropriate resolutions.
Other Issues
Sometimes people have unique circumstances that need to be addressed including caring for family pets, cottages or assets shared with extended family members, family businesses, etc. Diane will help you canvas these issues, and direct you, when necessary to the appropriate professional resources for assistance in determining these issues.
DM Family Mediation Intake Form
Financial Intake Form